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VITALITY The Basis of Health, Happiness and Efiiciency

The human body is a storage battery made up of millions of cells, and each of these cells should be charged with vital force; it is the vital force stored in these cells which ward off and pre vent disease, making life worth the living and giving man the power to accomplish that which his imagination can picture. All the power man possesses, all mental and physical energy, all power for good, depend entirely upon the amount of vital force stored within these cells. The more fully charged the cells of the body, the more of vital force stored in the battery, the greater are the possibilities for great work, mighty achievements, for health and happiness. This vital power fluctuates from- day to day, depending upon the amount of energy consumed in a given time, the exercise taken, the amount of rest, the mode of breathing, the kind of air inhaled; above all, the kind and combination of food. Let us consider these last statements more fully because by S0 doing we may solve the complex problem: Vital energy is used up or wasted in various ways. By the work we do, that is, by the physical efforts made; by the thoughts We think, thoughts requiring nerve force and brain material, therefore energy; by speech and the digestion of food. Vital energy is created by the food we eat through assimila H011, though it iswell known some food, or poor combination of good food, require more energy in their digestion than is yielded by them when finally digested; by exercise taken, because exercise  .
requires us to breath naturally and deeply and energy is taken from the air we breath; through rest, especially if such rest is taken in well ventilated rooms; and lastly, through what has already been mentioned in connection with rest and exercise, breathing pure air. If the food consumed is of the wholesome kind, rightly com bined, the proper form of exercise taken and pure air correctly breathed, then no matter what amount of energy used, the supply will be sufficient, and health and strength result. Another factor which governs the amount of vital power with which each cell is charged, is the digestion and assimilation of the food consumed, because even the best of food cannot give vitalizing energy to the cells if it is not properly digested and the food elements assimilated. Up to the present time, mankind has not come into the realization that the amount of vital power a man may possess can be determined even before he takes in the food which are to supply him with this force. With our present knowledge of the organic cell salts, nuclein and vitamines contained in the various foods, menus can be so arranged as to contain such quantities of these elements necessary for any special person and for any special work for which he may be preparing. This vital force, often called Life forces, magnetism, vital electricity and by various other names, is not only the means of vital power, but is actually the universal medicine; because he who is filled with it can laugh at disease; he is fortified against them all; and so long as his cells continue fully charged, the in vasion of his system by any disease, is impossible. In case of epidemics when the air is filled with microbes, the cells if charged with vital force, will simply destroy or counter act all these disease germs as fast as they attempt an invasion of the system; it is for this reason that in the most severe and fearful epidemics there are many men and women who remain immune.

If the vital forces are kept up to par then we can laugh at all the microbes in the world; weakness will be unknown; nerves and brain will work in harmony and the world seem a bright place to live. If, however, we allow the voltage to fall below standard, an invasion of disease is not only possible, but proba ble. There is but one way in which the vital energy of the cells may be kept normal, and health, strength and efficiency main tained; that is through the consumption of vital foods, cor rectly combined. If we had a storage battery and the liquids therein required replenishing and we simply mixed any kind of liquids and filled the jars with the solution, then started the dynamo and expected it to charge the cells to full capacity, they to keep up to full strength, we would be considered either very foolish or terribly ignorant. This however, is just what we expect of the human cells. We give them all kind of mixtures, harmonious and other wise, through the food we consume, and then but half charge these food elements through artificial breathing, and expect to have the full quota of health, strength and vital force. On the contrary, the man who understands the mechanism and needs of the storage battery, will make a careful mixture Of the proper acids and water, testing each one for its purity, and When he finds them to be of the required standard, he mixes them carefully, fills his batteries and then fully charges them. There is no slip-shod system by which he attempts to accomplish his aimS- He must know and demands the proper material Through his knowledge and carefulness he produces the maxi mum of power with the minimum of waste or loss. In this manner proceeds the man who understands the human machine, its needs and requirements and the method whereby life may be maintained at its highest

The known, the essential agents in the vitalizing process are found in nuclein, vitamine and the organic salts, these are the life principles in food. These active principles are to be found in practically all of the natural foods, such as the vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes, and in food of animal origin, such as milk, cheese, butter and eggs. It is from the vitamine that we obtain the vitalizing power with which each individual cell within the body of man is charged, and it is from nuclein we obtain the antiseptic agent which charges every cell, making of each a potent agent in pre venting the invasion of disease whatever its nature may be. Science has amply proven these assertions, and instead of teaching man the proper diet in order that sufficient of these agents might be taken into the system in a natural manner, eliminating from the diet other substances which not only are unable to give vital power to the system, but which weaken it by clogging and congesting, have attempted, and are now secur ing from animal bodies, the nuclein, which they use in their prac tice in the cure of diseases. Many good physicians have gone so far as to combine this active agent with other remedies, thereby forming the basis of their curative remedies. Nuclein is not only an active building, vitalizing, protec tive agent, and known as such to medical men of all schools, but it is the most powerful germicide as well for the reason that it not only destroys noxious life, but it builds up natural life at the same time; it possesses this double power

The mistake

The mistake is made by taking as food such substances which not only contain little of the active life principles, but which clog the system and thereby make “-he invasion of bac teria a simple and easy matter

Moreover, why should we wait until we are ill and then take as medicine the active principles obtained from animal life, when it iswithin our power to continually take these agents in their more active, natural form, by the simple means of select ing our foods in a rational manner from the various non—animal kingdoms, more especially from the rich and tasty fruits and vegetables, all heavily laden with the building, vitalizing agents so essential to life, health and well being. In the accumulating and storing of vital energy, it is neces sary that our food contain all of the organic elements which are required in building up the healthy, normal body. This means we must have protein for muscle building, carbons for heat and energy production, fats and phosphates and the organic mineral salts for the building of nerve and brain. Itis the organic salts in fruits which make them of such great value to man as food, and it is from these minerals that we obtain the agents that make it possible for the cells to get their life, while the nuclein and vitamine is the life. The acids in the fruits are of like importance since they are essential to bal ance, which means health. Just as in the storage battery there are plates wherein to hold the electrical energy, so is it necessary that in the human cells there shall be mineral elements to hold the life current. This holding power is found in the organic mineral or cell salts. The life comes from the nuclein and the vitamine, and the acids from fruits and vegetables must hold the mineral elements in solution. It is easily possible to have too much acid in the system just as it is possible to have too much sulphuric acid in the solution of the storage battery. The organic acids in fruits are in union with the alkalies in the form of the organic salts, and these salts split up in the SYstern and leave the alkalies free. The alkalies may then com bine with the acids found in the body and form carbonates and Phosphates. Because of the nature of the acids found in fruits they are of such great importance in the maintenance of health, or in the restoration of health in those who have lost it.
