A well nourished nervous system is the basis of
health, strength, poise, contentment and the incentive to do, to
create, to become. Likewise, it is the foundation of morality.
When the nervous system is ill-nourished or starved, life
does not appear desirable, the mind is unable to choose between
right and wrong; it is impossible for such
a man to look on the
bright side of life, because to such the cloud has no silver lining.
This statement is readily proven when we considered the
almost universal ailment known generally as Neurasthenia. Here
we have
a condition which defies definition. An examination of
one suffering fails to show any organic disease or lesion, appar
ently the functions are all healthy, and in spite of this, the
victim suffers the tortures of hell every minute of the hour and
every hour of the day.
So fearful is the suffering at times that the victim thinks
constantly of suicide, or is afraid to be with children for fear he will harm them though actually he would not harm a fly.
There is no possibility of sleep for hours at
a time because as
$0011 as the eyes are closed the mind conjures up fearful pic
tures. If the sufferer attempts to make plans he finds himself
thinking just the contrary of what he wants to think. He begins to look into the future and there he sees nothing. All the work
before him will take him just so long to accomplish and beyond that there is a blank, what, thinks he, is he going to do with all the long years stretching before him.
He walks the streets and finds men and women look alike
to him; has no desire for the companionship of woman, to him
She is no more than man. As to love, for him there is no such
th-ing_ He looks backward and attempts to think of his past love for friends, for sweetheart, wife, or for children and he is
forced to smile, such
a thing is
a delusion and the most beautiful
woman he meets appears undesirable from any view point.
When night comes he fears; he does not retire alone. At the
slightest noise he thinks he must scream and in order to pre
vent himself from doing so he bites his lips until the blood comes.
He retires at eleven P. M. and at three A. M. can no longer
remain in bed because of the pictures of the disordered mind
conjures before his starved brain. He arises, he leaves the
house, he walks miles and miles thereby utterly tiring the physi
cal being.
He seats himself at the table and one glance at the food is
sufficient. He flees, fearing that merely looking at the food will
cause him to scream. He rushes to his friends and gives them a tale of woe. He constantly dreads becoming insane.
He fears to touch any work because to do so is torture and
brings mental impression that through it he will become worse.
Insanity stalks before him urging him to do this or that. Life
is such misery as one can only find pictured in Dante’s “Inferno”
and one wonders whether that Immortal writer was not
a sufferer
of this frightful ailment.
For want of
a better name we callthis awful condition Neu
rasthenia. In reality, we now know it is
a “Vitaminless Diet
Disease” caused by starved nerves;
a starved brain, an unfunc
tioned human machine.
Only those who have themselves suffered from this ailment
or who have had extensive dealings with Neurasthenics can
imagine the fearfulness of the suffering caused by it. These
alone can understand how destructive to mind and body is
diet which is denatured and therefore lacking in the vitamine.
The development of this ailment, which we give first con
sideration here because it is so pronounced, is gradual. At first
there may be
a disordered stomach, the bowels become irregular,
this is followed by
a listlessness and
a desire to rest, then follows
troubled sleep, fearful dreams, this in turn by physical weakness,
We have known sufferers who started by having trouble with the digestive organism, being able to take but little food, then a disinelination to follow unusual labor or occupation and the climax came. Then followed months when it was practically im possible to take food, when possibly only one or two varieties would be borne by the stomach, the lungs working only through - a conscious effort and death seemingly only hours distant. We have known of others who had no trouble with the diges tive organism, but who felt their manhood weakening, taking an unaccountable dislike to the opposite sex. The climax came upon retiring, they found to their horror that in attempting to put out the light or close the eyes, horrible forms appeared before them which could not be dispelled because no mental power re mained, and sought relief by rising and walking for hours, until physical exhaustion afforded them temporary rest. Thus they suffered for months before peaceful rest could be had. How can such conditions exist? Those who have given the subject of Diet a careful study and have made experiments know both the cause and the remedy, though they do not find it easy to convince others who have given no thought to the subject and have no experience. In the food we eat we should find all the material to nourish all parts of the body. There must be a food for the nerves, brain and sex. This we call the nerve food, the basis of which are the Vital Principles-—vitamine, nuclein and the organic mineral ele ments ; there is the starch which is muscle building, and the fats which give heat and energy and so on along the line. If the food consumed is lacking in vitamine, the nerves suffer in the beginning and as the nerves begin to be starved, they draw on the sexual or creative organism and that is drained. This i s followed by a drain on the brain. When both the creative Centers and the brain is drained the muscular system is next at tacked
We know, and the statement remains uncontradicted, that when nerve energy is deficient, there can be neither complete digestion of food nor perfect assimilation of the food digested. This means indigestion, malassimilation and Toxo-absorption. As this process of nerve starvation continues, the next step is a deficiency of the creative energy and therefore a lack of vim, or desire to accomplish, and an aversion to womankind. This is followed, as the brain is weakened through the drain, by an impossibility to desire to be active, a disorganized thought-action, which soon becomes morbid and causes the mind to have fear instead of confidence, worry instead of peace, dis tress instead of happiness, and often hatred in place of love. The emotional nature is now completely disorganized and man is the victim of fear in its most awful form. When the nervous, creative and mental system has been completely disorganized the next to be drained is the muscular system as the nervous system will now begin to draw upon it and the resultant physical break is complete. All this suffering because of an irrational diet; because man has allowed avarice to denature all his important foods for him and fed him the husks which are totally insufficient to maintain even the life of an animal. Hehas left the ways of his fathers and has chosen to eat foods which taste well but which combine and nourish poorly. We have considered Neurasthenia first because the symp toms are more pronounced than in any other ailment; yet it can not be considered a disease as it is a combination of weakness and starvation. It should be called the Supreme Dietetic Disease. It would be going too far in claiming that all nervous dis eases are caused by a vitaminless diet, but one can safely claim and be within the limits of truth, that more than sixty per cent of all nervous disorders, are caused by a diet either poorly balanced or deficient in vitamine content.
We have known sufferers who started by having trouble with the digestive organism, being able to take but little food, then a disinelination to follow unusual labor or occupation and the climax came. Then followed months when it was practically im possible to take food, when possibly only one or two varieties would be borne by the stomach, the lungs working only through - a conscious effort and death seemingly only hours distant. We have known of others who had no trouble with the diges tive organism, but who felt their manhood weakening, taking an unaccountable dislike to the opposite sex. The climax came upon retiring, they found to their horror that in attempting to put out the light or close the eyes, horrible forms appeared before them which could not be dispelled because no mental power re mained, and sought relief by rising and walking for hours, until physical exhaustion afforded them temporary rest. Thus they suffered for months before peaceful rest could be had. How can such conditions exist? Those who have given the subject of Diet a careful study and have made experiments know both the cause and the remedy, though they do not find it easy to convince others who have given no thought to the subject and have no experience. In the food we eat we should find all the material to nourish all parts of the body. There must be a food for the nerves, brain and sex. This we call the nerve food, the basis of which are the Vital Principles-—vitamine, nuclein and the organic mineral ele ments ; there is the starch which is muscle building, and the fats which give heat and energy and so on along the line. If the food consumed is lacking in vitamine, the nerves suffer in the beginning and as the nerves begin to be starved, they draw on the sexual or creative organism and that is drained. This i s followed by a drain on the brain. When both the creative Centers and the brain is drained the muscular system is next at tacked
We know, and the statement remains uncontradicted, that when nerve energy is deficient, there can be neither complete digestion of food nor perfect assimilation of the food digested. This means indigestion, malassimilation and Toxo-absorption. As this process of nerve starvation continues, the next step is a deficiency of the creative energy and therefore a lack of vim, or desire to accomplish, and an aversion to womankind. This is followed, as the brain is weakened through the drain, by an impossibility to desire to be active, a disorganized thought-action, which soon becomes morbid and causes the mind to have fear instead of confidence, worry instead of peace, dis tress instead of happiness, and often hatred in place of love. The emotional nature is now completely disorganized and man is the victim of fear in its most awful form. When the nervous, creative and mental system has been completely disorganized the next to be drained is the muscular system as the nervous system will now begin to draw upon it and the resultant physical break is complete. All this suffering because of an irrational diet; because man has allowed avarice to denature all his important foods for him and fed him the husks which are totally insufficient to maintain even the life of an animal. Hehas left the ways of his fathers and has chosen to eat foods which taste well but which combine and nourish poorly. We have considered Neurasthenia first because the symp toms are more pronounced than in any other ailment; yet it can not be considered a disease as it is a combination of weakness and starvation. It should be called the Supreme Dietetic Disease. It would be going too far in claiming that all nervous dis eases are caused by a vitaminless diet, but one can safely claim and be within the limits of truth, that more than sixty per cent of all nervous disorders, are caused by a diet either poorly balanced or deficient in vitamine content.
in practically every instance, caused by a
poorly balanced and lacking in the vitamine content. Almost
every case can be cured
careful consideration
given to the
selection, combination and preparation of the food.
The nerves, when poorly nourished, act identically as do the
telephone or telegraph wires when the batteries or the connec
tions are poor. The message sent over them may reach head
quarters, but in many cases when
so weak that
not understood and the resultant delusion, misconception, mis
construction, contra-mental pictures, as in the case of Neuras
thenia, or the agonizing pain as in Neuritis.
Tuberculosis, which
now causing widespread alarm,
actually, in the vast majority of cases, the direct result of the im
proper combination of good food, and the eating of denatured,
vitaminless, saltless (deficient in the organic mineral elements,) and nucleinless foods.
Even physicians unconsciously grant this when they base the treatment of tuberculosis on foods rich in these elements, such
as eggs, milk, fresh meats, vegetables etc., as all of these foods
are exceptionally rich in all of these elements.
Although we claim that tuberculosis
dietetic disease, We do not wish to be understood that -Diet alone would cure every
Ca Se of tuberculosis. We know that the average victim
nega tive, inert, an artificial breather, and averse to exercise. In the
correct treatment the Diet
of first and greatest importance, and
next to this exercise, fresh air and plenty of
bathing, recrea
tion , an incentive to live and various other considerations.
Influenza, the fearful scourge which has killed more peo ple than the unholy war, is
entirely aDietetic disease though
is not to be considered a purely vitaminless one. It
in reality a.
disease based upon a
diet deficient in vitamine and other neces
sary elements and congestion through overeating.
Where the diet is such as contains the necessary vitamine,
and the system is kept free from congestion, hence free from
Toxo-absorption, Influenza is absolutely impossible, and for
this reason the first effort is to cleanse the system and free it from
the absorption of poisonous matter through withholding all food
a time and then commencing to give the patient only those
foods which are rich in the Life elements.
In spite of all that has been said to hide the facts, we main
tain that the fearful scourge of influenza during 1918 and 1919
was the direct result of the denatured cornmeal and other wheat
flour substitutes in America, and the substitution of the various
denatured meals in other countries for the wheat flour.
Not alone was the corn and other substitute meals dena
tured, but the people were not taught that it is absolutely essen
tial to combine plenty of milk with these meals in order to bal
ance the food and plenty of vegetables and fruit in order to pre
vent the congestion and consequent self-poisoning.
Though the white wheat flour is destructive enough in itself
it is not as deadly as the denatured corn, rice and other flours
because it is much easier of digestion and for this reason the re
sults of constantly using white bread as
a basic food is not fol
lowed by the fearful ailments and deaths that so quickly follow
other denatured flour breads.
We have given consideration to only
a few of the vitamin
less diseases; to those which cause the greatest amount of suf
fering and the most deaths, let us give some consideration to the
question of food as eaten by our forefathers and as now consumed
by his weakling progeny.
At present all potatoes are carefully peeled; thus throwing
away all the vitamine and organic mineral elements. The seed
eye, container of the nuclein, is also cut out and thus elimin
ated from the diet. This is not all, but it must be baked with
denatured sugars or syrups, robbers of lime already in the sys
tem, but which the system is totally deficient as
a general rule.
Rice, once the staple food of countless millions, is now so
carefully milled in order to have it smooth and white, that only
the starch remains, all of the actual food elements, including the
vitamine, minerals etc. have been eliminated. In fact, so won
derful is this modern milling process that those fed on it will
quickly starve_ and it is the direct cause of scurvy, beri-beri.
anemia, tuberculosis and other wasting diseases.
Our wheat and other cereals to be used in the making of
breads, are milled so that very little but starch remains. As with
milled rice, the result of feeding on such bread causes scurvy,
tickets, weakness of bone in children, mental deficiency, physical
degeneracy etc.
Vegetables are boiled in plenty of water and the water
thrown away; in the -country possibly fed to the pigs. The
cellulose remains, but the actual food value is gone.
The milk to be had in cities is questionable, to say the
1east_ It may be pure or it may be not, but even if it
the treat
undergoes before
often such as to make
unfit for food.
As to butter, that food so necessary to the child in order that
its growth may be normal, has given way to butter substitutes,
totiilly insufficient in their contents to maintain growth
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